Evaluation de l’instrument "Projets de coopération et d’innovation" (2004-2007)

authors:Joye-Cagnard, Frédéric; Ramuz, Raphaël; Sormani Philippe; Benninghoff, Martin; Goastellec, Gaële; Leresche, Jean-Philippe
year of publication:2008
place of publication:
publisher: Schweizerische Universitätskonferenz (cus)
policy sector(s):
  • education
geographical area of investigation:
  • Switzerland
  • customer other level
institutional affiliation of the customer:
  • executive (administration)
customer:Schweizerische Universitätskonferenz
institutional affiliation of the authors:
  • university
time perspective of the evaluation:
  • on-going / ex post
object of the evaluation:Kooperations- und Innovationsprojekte (KIP)
coded as synEval: