Monitoringbericht Drogen und Sucht 2005

authors:Binkert, Monika; Heeb, Alexandra; Kotska René; Schmidli, Marcel; Suter, Daniel
year of publication:2005
place of publication:Zürich
publisher: Stadt Zürich - Monitoring Drogen und Sucht
policy sector(s):
  • health
geographical area of investigation:
  • Zürich
  • only communal level
  • Stadt Zürich
  • Zürich communal level
institutional affiliation of the customer:
  • executive (administration)
customer:Stadtrat Zürich
institutional affiliation of the authors:
  • public administration
time perspective of the evaluation:
  • on-going / ex post
object of the evaluation:Drogen und Sucht
coded as synEval: