document: | Berrisch_et_al_2009_Sucht_ZH.pdf |
authors: | Berrisch, Lisa; Kotska, René; Monego Renate; Müller, Sonja; Suter, Daniel |
year of publication: | 2009 |
place of publication: | Zürich |
publisher: | Monitoring und Sucht - Stadt Zürich |
policy sector(s): | |
geographical area of investigation: | - Zürich
- only communal level
- Satdt Zürich
customer: | |
institutional affiliation of the customer: | - executive (administration)
customer: | Sozial-, Gesundheits- und Umwelt-, Polizei-, Schul- und Sportdepartemente der Stadt Zürich |
institutional affiliation of the authors: | |
time perspective of the evaluation: | |
object of the evaluation: | Drogen und Sucht |
coded as synEval: | ✔ |