Evaluation der Aus- und Weiterbildungspolitik des BAG im Bereich HIV/Aids

document:Furrer_at_al_2001_WBHIVAidsCH.pdf Furrer_at_al_2001_WBHIVAidsCH_ES.pdf
authors:Furrer, Cornelia; Schaller, Riccarda; Cattacin Sandro; Balthasar, Andreas
year of publication:2001
place of publication:Luzern
publisher: Interface Politikstudien Forschung Beratung
policy sector(s):
  • health
geographical area of investigation:
  • Switzerland
  • federal level
institutional affiliation of the customer:
  • executive (administration)
customer:Bundesamt für Gesundheit (BAG)
institutional affiliation of the authors:
  • civil society (NGO, private research institute, business company, etc.
time perspective of the evaluation:
  • on-going / ex post
object of the evaluation:Aus- und Weiterbildungspolitik des BAG im Bereich HIV/Aids
coded as synEval: