Gesundheitsförderungs- und Präventionsprojekt «Zwäg ins Alter» (ZIA) – Evaluation der Umsetzungsphase 2008-2010

authors:Egger, Theres; Oesch, Thomas; Künzi Kilian; Julien, Nora
year of publication:2010
place of publication:Bern
publisher: Büro Bass
policy sector(s):
  • health
geographical area of investigation:
  • Bern
  • Bern
institutional affiliation of the customer:
  • other public authorities or private organizations
customer:Pro Senectute Bern
institutional affiliation of the authors:
  • civil society (NGO, private research institute, business company, etc.
time perspective of the evaluation:
  • on-going / ex post
object of the evaluation:Gesundheitsförderungs- und Präventionsprojekt «Zwäg ins Alter»
coded as synEval: