document: | Gros_et_al_2004_dispositifs-relaisGE.pdf |
authors: | Gros, Dominique; Lurin, Jacquline; Pillet Michel; Jendoubi, Verena; Achkahr de Gottrau, Laïla |
year of publication: | 2004 |
place of publication: | Genève |
publisher: | SRED |
policy sector(s): | |
geographical area of investigation: | |
customer: | |
institutional affiliation of the customer: | - executive (administration)
customer: | Département de l’instruction publique, de la culture et du sport (DIP) |
institutional affiliation of the authors: | |
time perspective of the evaluation: | |
object of the evaluation: | Les dispositifs relais au cycle d’orientation |
coded as synEval: | ✔ |